
Showing posts from July, 2019

Smokey Bear FTF Token

Today, the Smokey Bear 75th Anniversary GeoTour launched. I did what little preparation I could - looking to see what State Forests are located in Maryland, which ones were in my county and the next closest one, inspecting a trail map of the closest State Forest and letting Tom know well in advance that if one of the Smokey Bear caches published in a 30 mile radius, that I was going to try to go for the First-to-Find. Before falling asleep last night, I made sure that my phone was not on vibrate, and when I got the new cache alert at 8:01 a.m. - and saw that it was 5 miles from my location, I rushed to the computer to get more specifics. It was a 17 minute drive to the parking coordinates, a walk down a trail to where it forked, then the cache was on the left. I let Tom know I was going for it, not wanting to disturb him if he wanted to sleep in, but he wanted to come along. In short order, we were out the door and heading down the road. I fully expected to see other cars at t...

Smokey Bear GeoTour - New Info

There's a new web page introducing the Smokey Bear 75th Anniversary GeoTour . Some of the rewards have different requirements from when I first learned about the GeoTour: 75 Smokey Bear "First-to-find" tokens [remains the same] Find 6 caches in one state, get a Smokey 75th Trackable Coin [down from all caches in state] Find 25 caches in the GeoTour, get a Limited Edition Diamond Geocoin [down from 75] Find all 75 caches in the GeoTour, get a special gift from Smokey Bear! [new prize!] The passport does not reflect these changes, but don't forget to download it before starting the GeoTour, since getting a prize is now more achievable. The GeoTour launches July 7, 2019 and I'm ready to get started - I just hope that there are some caches close to where I live.