2022 - A Year in Review

For me, this year of geocaching was mainly about the fulfillment of souvenir requirements. Aside from a trip to Washington state for the 20 th Anniversary Celebration, where we were able to complete the Trifecta and punch a few GeoTour tickets, most of what we did was local. On top of that, previously found caches in the Caribbean warranted the receipt of a few new country souvenirs, which were released in 2022. The graphic show below summarizes all that we accomplished. In addition to earning all of the souvenirs offered by Geocaching in 2022, I was quite pleased to complete many goals that have been on my list for several years - all due to the trip to Washington. Now, I only have two outstanding goals - the completion of the Experience Tioga County and the Berkeley Gadgets GeoTours, and I do need to work on the Find Your Chesapeake GeoTour . Now I need to come up with some new goals! The last time I checked, I have an Adventure Lab credit, so I'll try to put one of t...