
Adventure Day 2024

A new celebratable (is that even a word?) day has made a calendar appearance - Adventure Day! This day reminds us that every day should be an adventure, and I love that adage - even though my days are so steeped in routine that they are yawn-worthy. To offset that, whenever I take a vacation, or even a three-day weekend trip, I try to make it worth it by trying new things and going to new places, or just finding one thing to do that's interesting. In order to earn an Adventure Day souvenir, log any Adventure Lab location from October 18 to 20. Read more about it on the official blog post here .

International EarthCache Day 2024

This year, the souvenir for International EarthCache Day can be earned from October 11-13, 2024 by finding and logging an EarthCache. The official blog post can be read here .

September Equinox 2024

It looks like in order to balance out the March Equinox souvenir, Geocaching is offering one for the September Equinox. Between September 22 and 28, log three geocaches, Adventure Lab locations or events to earn your souvenir. Learn more about it on the official blog post .

Cache In, Trash Out 2024 - Season Two

Oh, thank goodness! With the latest announcement of this season's Cache In, Trash Out, Geocaching has helped me to realize that I've been pronouncing it wrong. It's Sea-Toe, not Sigh-Toe (I guess my Dad had it right all along). Attend any CITO event from September 1 to November 30, 2024 to garner a well earned souvenir. Read more about it on the official blog post .

World Postcard Day 2024

What the heck is World Postcard Day, and why are we celebrating it? Well, the anniversary of the postcard is on October 1, when it was officially issued and recognized by a postal operator in 1869. They had been evolving since the 17th century, and the first World Postcard Day was held in 2019 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the postcard. Postcards, like geocaches, help us to feel connected to people from all over. In order to earn the souvenir, we'll need to attend an event between September 29 and October 5, 2024. Learn more on the official blog post , and don't forget to visit the World Postcard Day website to learn more interesting factoids about the history of postcards, how you can celebrate the occasion and maybe even bring a little bit of joy to some other people.

International Geocaching Day 2024

Let's celebrate International Geocaching Day by earning another souvenir! In order to earn it, log a find on a cache, an Adventure Lab location or attend an event on August 17. Read more on the official blog post .

Cosmic Quest Update

Updates on the Cosmic Quest summer souvenir campaign have been released! Between July 22 and September 1, the geocaching community will be trying to help our intergalactic friends by generating enough fuel for them to continue their stellar journey. Fuel is earned by completing the following tasks, with each task earning a certain number of units of fuel: Activate a trackable - 1 unit Attend an event - 3 units Receive a favorite point on an owned geocache - 2 units Find an EarthCache - 5 units Find any other cache type, excluding Webcams - 1 unit There will be three souvenirs available: Super Fuel - earn 20 units of fuel individually Ultra Fuel - earn 100 units of fuel individually Lift Off - earn 15 million units of fuel globally So, even though rewarding a cache a favorite point doesn't help you out as an individual in the short term, it helps someone else individually, and adds to the global units earned in the long run. It's great to think of helping our fellow geocac