The Experience Tioga County GeoTour consists of 27 geocaches, 25 of which contain code words which are needed to fill in the passport . Five additional code words can be obtained from local partners. At three locations, the code word is available with a purchase, at two other locations, you just need to ask for the code word. If you unscramble the code words into a phrase, you get two points, and you can get additional points for submitting up to 4 receipts for purchases from locally owned and operated businesses (no chains or gas stations) and a hotel (which can be a chain). If you get 25 points, you're eligible for a giveaway from Tioga County Tourism, if you get 30 points, you're eligible for a Silver Experience Tioga GeoCoin. So, that's all of the information that I received when starting this GeoTour. It was only later that I realized that I had questions that needed to be answered. Does a code word equal one point? What about the two geocaches that don't...