AAR: Experience Tioga County GeoTour
The Experience Tioga County GeoTour consists of 27 geocaches, 25 of which contain code words which are needed to fill in the passport. Five additional code words can be obtained from local partners. At three locations, the code word is available with a purchase, at two other locations, you just need to ask for the code word. If you unscramble the code words into a phrase, you get two points, and you can get additional points for submitting up to 4 receipts for purchases from locally owned and operated businesses (no chains or gas stations) and a hotel (which can be a chain). If you get 25 points, you're eligible for a giveaway from Tioga County Tourism, if you get 30 points, you're eligible for a Silver Experience Tioga GeoCoin.
So, that's all of the information that I received when starting this GeoTour. It was only later that I realized that I had questions that needed to be answered. Does a code word equal one point? What about the two geocaches that don't have code words? One of the partner locations was closed for the season and wouldn't reopen until April. How would I get that code word? And the receipts - when I first read the webpage, I thought you could get five total points for receipts - four from locally owned businesses and one from a hotel - but I later thought about it and wondered if it was only four receipts total. And I swear that one of the partner code words that I got was wrong, since it didn't follow the same "format" as the others did.
The cold weather impacted several of the caches. One was on the ledge of a high riverbank, so I had to lay on my belly to get close enough to the edge and not slip on the hard snow and fall off of the edge (by the way, that was Tom's worry, not mine). A couple of the caches were frozen in place, and it took some work getting the containers free. One of these was the second stage of a three stage multiple, and we couldn't retrieve that one at all. The two-plus mile hike through the forest and snow-covered trails was especially tenuous. And having only been out since June, some of the caches have already fallen into disrepair.
In the end, we found 23 caches (one of which did not have a code word), visited five partner locations (one of which wasn't open to the public, so no code there, and one of which I wasn't sure the code I got was correct) and collected five receipts (of which only four may be accepted). It was pretty stressful. I had most of the phrase figured out, but couldn't finish it because two caches that we attempted but weren't able to complete were the very end of the phrase, so I couldn't even make an educated guess as to what the answer would be.
I will send in my passport and receipts tomorrow and hope for the best.
Edit March 7: Look what I got in the mail today! I guess all of my worrying was for naught.
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