GC6EJ8X - Leirum's Lost Places World Tour
I've been working on Leirum's Lost Places World Tour for a little over a month, but only because I'm a complete idiot. Once I got on the right track, it only took about a week. With all that being said, this is one of the coolest caches I've worked on in a while.
You start out by e-mailing the CO at a special e-mail address requesting travel documents to start your world tour. You will get coordinates to a location, and if you follow the directions, will get instructions on how to proceed to the next location. This is where I got hung up at Station 01 - I had to get a friend to tell me what I was doing wrong.
At each location, Leirum explains some of the history, and after that, it's just a matter of using Street View of Google Maps to explore some awesome locations all around the world. Signing the log and claiming a find requires a trip to Germany, but if you complete the virtual World Tour, you're allowed to put a banner on your profile page. There are also trackables for discovery when you complete the World Tour.
As an added bonus, there's also a version in Alberta, Canada, which I'm guessing has the same stops around the world, but has a separate banner. After reading some of the logs, some of the stops are the same, and the values for the variables that you solve for are the same, so take from that what you will.
In addition to all of that, while I was trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong and why I wasn't getting anywhere, I stumbled across knickohr's virtuelle Lost Places Tour. Knickohr finished Leirum's World Tour, and enjoyed it so much that he got permission from Leirum to do a similar tour. It looks like it's all in German, but with help from Google Translate, I might give it a try.
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