Signal's Labyrinth - The Swamp

Have you made your way out of the forest, yet? The next step in the journey is the Swamp! From June 6 throught July 31, we can start making our way through the murky swamp shrouded in mist. In order to start wading through the swamp, you'll need to earn 50 points and 500 points are needed to escape. The points can be earned in the following manner:

  • Find an Advenure Lab cache - 5 points
  • Find a cache with 10+ Favorite Points - 25 points
  • Find a Letterbox Hybrid - 30 points
  • Find a Mystery cache - 25 points
  • Attend any event - 20 points
  • Find a Signal's Labyrinth item (magic potion) - 50 points
  • Find any other cache type - 15 points
Keep track of your progress on the Leaderboard and get more information from the official blog post.
