International EarthCache Day 2018

Every year, the second Sunday in October is International EarthCache Day. This year, if we log an EarthCache on either October 13 or 14, we'll earn a souvenir from Geocaching.

Would you like to add a little more pizzazz to your profile page? Visit the EarthCache web page and apply for a Masters or Discovery award. Masters awards are dependent upon the number of EarthCaches that have been found and logged, the number of states/provinces/countries that they've been found in and the number of EarthCaches that have been developed. Discovery awards are for finding and logging large numbers of EarthCaches: 50+, 100+, 250+, 500+ and 1000+. Me? I have a Bronze Master and a Quartz Discovery Award.


So, go on, learn a lesson about the Earth, and log your EarthCache today!
