Signal's Labyrinth - The Forest

The latest campaign from Geocaching is Signal's Labyrinth. Signal is lost in a labyrinth, and we need to help him find his way back to HQ! Every two months for the next twelve months, we will help him escape a different labyrinth. Two souvenirs can be earned in each labyrinth, and if we are able to earn all twelve souvenirs, we will earn a Meta-souvenir. The first labyrinth is the Enchanted Forest, and the first souvenir (Signal's Labyrinth: the forest) will be earned by getting 50 points and the second souvenir (Signal's Labyrinth: You escaped the forest) will be earned by getting 500 points. You can earn points in the Enchanted Forest in the following manner:

  • Found an Adventure Lab cache - 10 points
  • Found a cache with 10+ favorite points - 20 points
  • Found a Multi-cache - 25 points
  • Found a Mystery cache - 25 points
  • Found a Signal's Labyrinth item - 65 points
  • Log a found it on any other cache type - 15 points
Point values will change in each labyrinth. The Signals' Labyrinth item is something you find when logging caches, so the maximum amount of points you can get for logging any cache is 85 points (the special item plus the cache). The challenge begins April 4, 2022, and you can keep track of the points you've earned on the Leaderboard. Point values change and the leaderboard will reset for the next labyrinth on the following days:
  • June 6, 2022
  • August 1, 2022
  • October 3, 2022
  • December 5, 2022
  • February 6, 2023
The challenge ends on April 3, 2023, so don't miss out on your chance for the Meta-Souvenir! Learn more about the campaign here.
