
Showing posts from September, 2022

Signal's Labyrinth - The Hedge Maze

I'm ready for the next labyrinth, are you? The hedge maze opens up on October 3, when we can start earning points to enter it. Once again, to enter the hedge maze we must earn 50 points, and 500 points to escape it. The points can be earned in the following manner: Find an Adventure Lab location - 10 points Find a Mystery cache - 35 points Find a Multi-cache - 30 points Find an EarthCache - 30 points Attend an Event - 20 points Find a cache with 10+ favorite points - 20 points Find a Signal's Labyrinth item - 50 points Find any other cache - 15 points Check out your Leaderboard to keep up on your progress and learn more about this stage in the blog post .